Bhutan Photo tour Thimpu 5


"Happiness" - a way of life
Locked between two giant Nations - India and China, there is a tiny Kingdom that rests peacefully among the soaring mountains and proudly declares itself 'Happy'.
The Legends say, long, long ago, The Precious Master, who was born inside a lotus that grew in the centre of a pristine lake, crossed the breadth of this land on the back of a flying tigress to salvage the religion of Lord Buddha from the subjugation of evil spirits. The Thunder Dragon is the protector of the people of this land dotted with colourful prayer flags, which are said to help the people to communicate with the Heavens continuously. It is a land where the secular power harmonises with religious beliefs, and the people's Happiness precedes all other stately affairs.
Welcome to Bhutan!
One of the tiniest countries in the world, land-locked by the high Himalayan mountain ranges, Bhutan's distant past is not much-known and often shrouded in mystery and myths. Many important documents got lost due to several natural disasters and conflict-borne devastations over the years. Whatever remains indicates that Bhutan's history, along with its politics and mythologies, is intricately intertwined with Tibet, a kingdom, which remained mysterious and shut its doors to the outside world for a long time.
The fantastic land of Bhutan opened its closed doors to welcome tourists from around the world only about less than half a century back, in 1974. Since then, tourism has gradually become an essential contributor to the developing economy and a significant revenue generator. The growth of tourism in Bhutan has also created numerous job opportunities for the country's citizens.
As your travel advisors, our vision is to sync with the philosophy of the kingdom at the world's centre. We are here to ensure you 'The Happiness of Vacationing'. Festivals, site tours, bird watching or treks and hikes- whatever you wish for, our excellent tour packages have them all! Alternatively, be adventurous and define an itinerary of your own. Just let us know your preferences. We will be glad to organise and arrange exclusive and comfortable retreats, travel facilities and associated paraphernalia, ensuring a vacation you will cherish lifelong.
Happiness is just a few clicks away!

Travel Destinations in Bhutan


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For spiritually inclined vacationers, Bhutan offers ample opportunities to explore Buddhism and get a taste of its tenets. Meditation is regularly practised by the monks and commoners practising Buddhism. Meditation and retreat tours last from a few hours to several days, depending on the interest of the visitors. Meditation facilities are available in most hotels. A hike to the Tiger's Nest in Paro, visiting Punakha, Thimpu, Trongsa and Bumthang dzongs, and being witness to the grand Jambey Lhakhang Drup Festival held at Bumthang towards the end of October each year are some of the hallmarks of Buddhist Tourism.
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